Energy: 257 kcal
Ingredients for 1 serving: 40g feta cheese, 20g carrot, 20g zucchini, 10g celery, 2g onion, thyme, olive oil, pepper
Preparation: Sauté the cleaned and diced vegetables in a non-stick pan with olive oil, seasoning with pepper and thyme. When soft, add the diced feta cheese and mix well. Serve with 50g whole grain bread!

Energy: 265 kcal
Ingredients for 1 serving: 2 eggs, 30g carrot, 30ml 15% milk, 20g oatmeal, 4g oil, salt
Preparation: Beat the eggs with a hand whisk, grate the carrot, add the oatmeal and milk, and mix well. Fry in a hot pan with a little oil.

Energy: 266 kcal
Ingredients for 1 serving: 100g beetroot, 4g onion, 1g oil, salt, pepper, 60g low-fat mozzarella cheese
Preparation: Peel and chop the beetroot into uniform pieces, cook in salted water, and drain. Finely chop the onion, sauté until glassy, and add to the beetroot, seasoning with salt and pepper. Blend with a hand blender and spread on bread, topped with mozzarella cheese.

Energy: 278 kcal
Ingredients for 1 serving: 200g yogurt, 25g oatmeal, 0.8g oat bran, 50g fresh blueberries
Preparation: Mix the oatmeal (about 2 level tablespoons) and oat bran (1 teaspoon) into the plain yogurt and refrigerate overnight (or at least 1-2 hours). Sprinkle with fresh blueberries before serving.

Energy: 275 kcal
Ingredients for 1 serving (3 muffins): 30g broccoli, 20g kefir, 6g rye flour, 2 eggs, 2g green onion, salt, pepper
Preparation: Pre-cook and drain the broccoli in salted water. Beat the eggs with a hand whisk, add kefir, finely chopped green onion, broccoli, and flour, then season with salt and pepper. Line the muffin tin cavities with paper liners (or use silicone muffin molds). Bake in a preheated 180°C oven. Serve with 100g radishes and 4 rye crackers (176 kcal + 99 kcal).

Energy: 278 kcal
Ingredients for 1 serving: 80g semi-fat cottage cheese, 50ml 15% milk, 40g champignon mushrooms, 1 egg, 15g semolina, parsley, chives, salt, pepper, margarine to grease the mold.

Energy: 271 kcal
Ingredients for 1 serving: 30g millet, 50ml water, 70ml coconut milk
Preparation: Rinse the millet thoroughly, toast in a pan, then cook in salted water covered for about 15 minutes. Add coconut milk, cinnamon, and diced pear, sweeten with sweetener, and cook until done.


Energy: 511 kcal

Rosemary Trout with Winter Grilled Vegetables
Ingredients for 1 serving: 200g raw trout, 50g beetroot, 50g carrot, 30g celery, 30g leek, 8g pine nuts, oil, rosemary, salt, pepper
Preparation: Clean and dry the fish, season inside and out with salt and pepper. Place a sprig of rosemary inside the fish. Put on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, surround with vegetables, season with salt and pepper, drizzle with olive oil, and mix the vegetables. Sprinkle pine nuts on the fish, cover with foil, and bake in a preheated 200°C oven for about 20 minutes. Remove the foil and bake for another 10 minutes.

Orange Carrot Cream Soup
Ingredients for 1 serving: 150g carrot, 50g orange, onion, oil, salt, pepper
Preparation: Finely chop the onion, sauté in oil, add peeled and chopped carrots, season with salt and pepper, and add a little water. Cook until soft, then blend with a hand blender, adding the squeezed orange juice.

Energy: 526 kcal
Ingredients for 1 serving: 60g soy cubes, 40ml cooking cream, 30g chickpeas (dry), 30g basmati rice, 1 tbsp oil, onion, garlic, curry, salt, pepper, ginger
Preparation: Cook the rice in salted water until fluffy. Cook the soy cubes in vegetable broth for about 15 minutes, then drain. Finely chop the onion, sauté in oil, add grated garlic and ginger, curry powder, soy cubes, and a little water. Heat through, add cooked or canned chickpeas and cooking cream, season if needed, and cook until done. Serve with cooked rice and a squeeze of lime juice if desired.

Energy: 505 kcal
Ingredients for 1 serving: 150g chicken breast, 30g tomato, 20g mozzarella cheese, oil, garlic, salt, pepper, basil; 60g bulgur, 10g olives, oil, salt
Preparation: Season the thinly sliced chicken breast and place it in a lightly oiled baking dish. Top with sliced tomatoes and cheese. Cover with foil and bake. Once done, remove the foil and return to the oven to brown the cheese. Cook the bulgur, season, and mix with sliced olives.

Energy: 485 kcal
Ingredients for 1 serving: 100g chicken breast, 50g green peas, 50g carrot, 50g champignon mushrooms, 20g tomato, paprika, sesame oil, 1 tbsp soy sauce, 1 tbsp garlic, parsley, salt, pepper, 60g Soba (buckwheat) noodles
Elkészítés: Cut the chicken into strips, sauté in hot sesame oil, add soy sauce, crushed garlic, sliced carrot, paprika, peas, and sliced mushrooms, season with salt and pepper, and stir-fry until done. Cook the buckwheat noodles in salted water and serve with the stir-fry.

Energy: 498 kcal
Ingredients for 1 serving: 150g cod fillet, 80g zucchini, 80g red lentils, olive oil, parsley, garlic, salt, pepper
Preparation: Place the fish fillets on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, season with salt and pepper, drizzle with olive oil, and bake in a preheated 200°C oven for about 15 minutes. Cook the red lentils in salted water and drain. Dice the zucchini and sauté with crushed garlic in a non-stick pan, add to the lentils, and sprinkle with parsley. Serve with the baked fish.

Energy: 497 kcal
Stuffed Mushroom Caps
Ingredients for 1 serving: 80g champignon mushrooms, 45g light cream cheese, 8g Edam cheese, onion, parsley, salt, pepper, olive oil
Preparation: Clean the mushroom caps, remove the stems. Finely chop the onion and mushroom stems, sauté in 1 tbsp oil, season with salt, pepper, and chopped parsley. Mix with cream cheese and fill the mushroom caps. Top with grated cheese and bake.

Yogurt Red Cabbage Salad
Ingredients for 1 serving: 60g red cabbage, 40g yogurt, mustard, mayonnaise, salt, pepper
Preparation: Thinly slice the cabbage, season with salt, and set aside. Mix the yogurt with mayonnaise and mustard, season, and combine with the cabbage.

Vegetable Soup with Buckwheat
Ingredients for 1 serving: 35g buckwheat, 25g carrot, 15g parsnip, 15g kohlrabi, 15g fresh celery, 10g celery stalk, oil, parsley, salt, pepper
Preparation: Toast the buckwheat in a little oil, add water and season. Chop the vegetables and add to the buckwheat. Cook until done, season if needed, and sprinkle with fresh parsley before serving.


Energy: 325 kcal
Ingredients for 1 serving: 200g zucchini, 40g oatmeal, 1 egg, onion, salt, pepper

Grate the zucchini, salt, and let it stand. Squeeze out the excess water, mix with finely chopped onion, egg, and oatmeal. Shape into fritters and bake on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Serve with 80g plain 18% yogurt.

Energy: 340 kcal
Ingredients for 1 serving: 100g salmon fillet, 80g sweet potato, 20g tomato, 20g arugula, 20g lamb’s lettuce, olive oil, parsley, salt, cayenne pepper
Preparation: Season the salmon fillet with salt and pepper, and cook in a hot, lightly oiled non-stick pan until pink. Thinly slice the sweet potato, arrange on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, and bake until crispy. Mix the salads and serve the salmon fillet on top with the sweet potato chips.

Energy: 316 kcal

For tortilla
Ingredients for 1 serving: 40g whole spelt flour, 10ml plain yogurt, 4g margarine, 0.5g yeast, salt, 10ml water
Preparation: Make a thick dough from the ingredients, let it rest, then roll out into a thin circle and cook both sides in a hot non-stick pan.

For avocado cream
Ingredients for 1 serving: 70g avocado, 10g onion, salt, pepper
Preparation: Mash the ripe avocado with finely chopped onion and spices. Spread the avocado cream on the tortilla, top with sliced tomato, and roll up.

Energy: 326 kcal
Ingredients for 1 serving: 60g quinoa, 100g broccoli, 100g pomegranate, salt, 10g radish sprouts
Preparation: Break the broccoli into florets and steam. Rinse the quinoa and cook in double the amount of salted water. Mix the quinoa with the broccoli and pomegranate seeds, and sprinkle with radish sprouts.

Energy: 337 kcal
Ingredients: 75g Mozzarella cheese, 50g cherry tomatoes, 30g millet, 10g onion, parsley, salt, pepper, 1 tsp olive oil
Preparation: Rinse the millet thoroughly, sauté the chopped onion in 1 tsp oil, add the millet, and cook in double the amount of salted water. When done, add chopped parsley and season if needed. Cook the mozzarella in a hot non-stick pan, and toss the tomatoes in as well. Serve with the hot cheese or fresh tomatoes.

Energy: 330 kcal
Ingredients for 1 serving: 80g tomato, 50g eggplant, 50g zucchini, 50g bell pepper, 20g onion, 1 tbsp olive oil, garlic, paprika, salt, pepper, 2 boiled eggs, and 30g whole grain bread

Sauté the diced onion in olive oil. Add cleaned and diced vegetables and grated garlic, season with salt, pepper, and paprika. Add a little water and cover, cooking until soft. Serve with boiled eggs and a slice of whole grain bread.

Energy: 346 kcal
Ingredients for 1 serving: 100g chicken breast, 60g sweet potato, 40g bell pepper, 20g onion, salt, pepper, paprika, 150g plain yogurt, 100g eggplant, parsley, 1 tsp olive oil, lemon juice
Preparation: Slice the eggplant thinly and grill on both sides. Mix plain yogurt with salt, pepper, parsley, and a few drops of lemon juice, then combine with the eggplant and chill. Cut the chicken breast into cubes and brush with spiced oil. Dice the bell pepper and sweet potato, and cut the onion into wedges. Thread onto skewers and grill until done. Serve with the cold salad.


Energy: 161 kcal
Ingredients for 1 serving: 200ml plain yogurt, 20g apple, 5g oatmeal
Preparation: Blend thoroughly and serve chilled.

Energy: 142 kcal
Ingredients for 1 serving: 160ml sugar-free coconut drink, 15g chia seeds, 40g frozen forest fruits, sweetener (to taste)
Preparation: Warm the coconut drink and mix in the chia seeds, sweeten if necessary. Cook, stirring constantly, until it starts to thicken. Pour into a glass and let cool. Refrigerate overnight if desired. Serve with frozen or fresh fruit.

Energy: 152 kcal
Ingredients for 1 serving: 100g mango, 70ml coconut milk, 20g tapioca pearls, vanilla bean
Preparation: Cook the tapioca pearls in coconut milk with the vanilla bean until pudding consistency. Remove the bean, sweeten if desired, and pour into a glass. Puree the mango and place on top. Chill.

Energy: 135 kcal
Ingredients for 1 serving: 100g apple, 10g walnut, 10g goat cheese

Energy: 140 kcal
Ingredients for 1 serving: 60g banana, 60g pear, 60g kiwi, 40g fresh baby spinach, water
Preparation: Place the ingredients in a blender and mix with 250ml water. Adjust the consistency with more water if desired.

Energy: 141 kcal
Ingredients for 1 serving: 150g kefir, 50g iceberg lettuce, 50g lamb’s lettuce, 50g carrot
Preparation: Wash the salad thoroughly, peel and julienne the carrot, then drizzle with kefir.

Energy: 142 kcal
Ingredients for 1 serving: 150g orange, 100g beetroot, olive oil, lemon juice, rosemary, salt
Preparation: Clean the beetroot thoroughly, wrap in aluminum foil, and bake at 180°C until soft. Peel and dice the beetroot. Peel and dice the orange. Mix rosemary, olive oil, salt, and lemon juice, and drizzle over the salad.


Energy: 257 kcal
Ingredients for 1 serving: 40g feta cheese, 20g carrot, 20g zucchini, 10g celery, 2g onion, thyme, olive oil, pepper
Preparation: Sauté the cleaned and diced vegetables in a non-stick pan with olive oil, seasoning with pepper and thyme. When soft, add the diced feta cheese and mix well. Serve with 50g whole grain bread!

Energy: 265 kcal
Ingredients for 1 serving: 2 eggs, 30g carrot, 30ml 15% milk, 20g oatmeal, 4g oil, salt
Preparation: Beat the eggs with a hand whisk, grate the carrot, add the oatmeal and milk, and mix well. Fry in a hot pan with a little oil.

Energy: 266 kcal
Ingredients for 1 serving: 100g beetroot, 4g onion, 1g oil, salt, pepper, 60g low-fat mozzarella cheese
Preparation: Peel and chop the beetroot into uniform pieces, cook in salted water, and drain. Finely chop the onion, sauté until glassy, and add to the beetroot, seasoning with salt and pepper. Blend with a hand blender and spread on bread, topped with mozzarella cheese.

Energy: 278kcal
Ingredients for 1 serving: 200g yogurt, 25g oatmeal, 0.8g oat bran, 50g fresh blueberries
Preparation: Mix the oatmeal (about 2 level tablespoons) and oat bran (1 teaspoon) into the plain yogurt and refrigerate overnight (or at least 1-2 hours). Sprinkle with fresh blueberries before serving.

Energy: 275 kcal
Ingredients for 1 serving (3 muffins): 30g broccoli, 20g kefir, 6g rye flour, 2 eggs, 2g green onion, salt, pepper
Preparation: Pre-cook and drain the broccoli in salted water. Beat the eggs with a hand whisk, add kefir, finely chopped green onion, broccoli, and flour, then season with salt and pepper. Line the muffin tin cavities with paper liners (or use silicone muffin molds). Bake in a preheated 180°C oven. Serve with 100g radishes and 4 rye crackers (176 kcal + 99 kcal).

Energy: 278 kcal
Ingredients for 1 serving: 80g semi-fat cottage cheese, 50ml 15% milk, 40g champignon mushrooms, 1 egg, 15g semolina, parsley, chives, salt, pepper, margarine to grease the mold.

Energy: 271 kcal
Ingredients for 1 serving: 30g millet, 50ml water, 70ml coconut milk
Preparation: Rinse the millet thoroughly, toast in a pan, then cook in salted water covered for about 15 minutes. Add coconut milk, cinnamon, and diced pear, sweeten with sweetener, and cook until done.


Energy: 511 kcal

Rosemary Trout with Winter Grilled Vegetables
Ingredients for 1 serving: 200g raw trout, 50g beetroot, 50g carrot, 30g celery, 30g leek, 8g pine nuts, oil, rosemary, salt, pepper
Preparation: Clean and dry the fish, season inside and out with salt and pepper. Place a sprig of rosemary inside the fish. Put on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, surround with vegetables, season with salt and pepper, drizzle with olive oil, and mix the vegetables. Sprinkle pine nuts on the fish, cover with foil, and bake in a preheated 200°C oven for about 20 minutes. Remove the foil and bake for another 10 minutes.

Orange Carrot Cream Soup
Ingredients for 1 serving: 150g carrot, 50g orange, onion, oil, salt, pepper
Preparation: Finely chop the onion, sauté in oil, add peeled and chopped carrots, season with salt and pepper, and add a little water. Cook until soft, then blend with a hand blender, adding the squeezed orange juice.

Energy: 526 kcal
Ingredients for 1 serving: 60g soy cubes, 40ml cooking cream, 30g chickpeas (dry), 30g basmati rice, 1 tbsp oil, onion, garlic, curry, salt, pepper, ginger
Preparation: Cook the rice in salted water until fluffy. Cook the soy cubes in vegetable broth for about 15 minutes, then drain. Finely chop the onion, sauté in oil, add grated garlic and ginger, curry powder, soy cubes, and a little water. Heat through, add cooked or canned chickpeas and cooking cream, season if needed, and cook until done. Serve with cooked rice and a squeeze of lime juice if desired.

Energy: 505 kcal
Ingredients for 1 serving: 150g chicken breast, 30g tomato, 20g mozzarella cheese, oil, garlic, salt, pepper, basil; 60g bulgur, 10g olives, oil, salt
Preparation: Season the thinly sliced chicken breast and place it in a lightly oiled baking dish. Top with sliced tomatoes and cheese. Cover with foil and bake. Once done, remove the foil and return to the oven to brown the cheese. Cook the bulgur, season, and mix with sliced olives.

Energy: 485 kcal
Ingredients for 1 serving: 100g chicken breast, 50g green peas, 50g carrot, 50g champignon mushrooms, 20g tomato, paprika, sesame oil, 1 tbsp soy sauce, 1 tbsp garlic, parsley, salt, pepper, 60g Soba (buckwheat) noodles
Preparation: Cut the chicken into strips, sauté in hot sesame oil, add soy sauce, crushed garlic, sliced carrot, paprika, peas, and sliced mushrooms, season with salt and pepper, and stir-fry until done. Cook the buckwheat noodles in salted water and serve with the stir-fry.

Energy: 498 kcal
Ingredients for 1 serving: 150g cod fillet, 80g zucchini, 80g red lentils, olive oil, parsley, garlic, salt, pepper
Preparation: Place the fish fillets on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, season with salt and pepper, drizzle with olive oil, and bake in a preheated 200°C oven for about 15 minutes. Cook the red lentils in salted water and drain. Dice the zucchini and sauté with crushed garlic in a non-stick pan, add to the lentils, and sprinkle with parsley. Serve with the baked fish.

Energy: 497 kcal
Stuffed Mushroom Caps
Ingredients for 1 serving: 80g champignon mushrooms, 45g light cream cheese, 8g Edam cheese, onion, parsley, salt, pepper, olive oil
Preparation: Clean the mushroom caps, remove the stems. Finely chop the onion and mushroom stems, sauté in 1 tbsp oil, season with salt, pepper, and chopped parsley. Mix with cream cheese and fill the mushroom caps. Top with grated cheese and bake.

Yogurt Red Cabbage Salad
Ingredients for 1 serving: 60g red cabbage, 40g yogurt, mustard, mayonnaise, salt, pepper
Preparation: Thinly slice the cabbage, season with salt, and set aside. Mix the yogurt with mayonnaise and mustard, season, and combine with the cabbage.

Vegetable Soup with Buckwheat
Ingredients for 1 serving: 35g buckwheat, 25g carrot, 15g parsnip, 15g kohlrabi, 15g fresh celery, 10g celery stalk, oil, parsley, salt, pepper
Preparation: Toast the buckwheat in a little oil, add water and season. Chop the vegetables and add to the buckwheat. Cook until done, season if needed, and sprinkle with fresh parsley before serving.


Energy: 325 kcal
Ingredients for 1 serving: 200g zucchini, 40g oatmeal, 1 egg, onion, salt, pepper
Preparation: Grate the zucchini, salt, and let it stand. Squeeze out the excess water, mix with finely chopped onion, egg, and oatmeal. Shape into fritters and bake on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Serve with 80g plain 18% yogurt.

Energy: 340 kcal
Ingredients for 1 serving: 100g salmon fillet, 80g sweet potato, 20g tomato, 20g arugula, 20g lamb’s lettuce, olive oil, parsley, salt, cayenne pepper
Preparation: Season the salmon fillet with salt and pepper, and cook in a hot, lightly oiled non-stick pan until pink. Thinly slice the sweet potato, arrange on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, and bake until crispy. Mix the salads and serve the salmon fillet on top with the sweet potato chips.

Energy: 316 kcal

For tortilla
Ingredients for 1 serving: 40g whole spelt flour, 10ml plain yogurt, 4g margarine, 0.5g yeast, salt, 10ml water
Preparation: Make a thick dough from the ingredients, let it rest, then roll out into a thin circle and cook both sides in a hot non-stick pan.

For avocado cream
Ingredients for 1 serving: 70g avocado, 10g onion, salt, pepper
Preparation: Mash the ripe avocado with finely chopped onion and spices. Spread the avocado cream on the tortilla, top with sliced tomato, and roll up.

Energy: 326 kcal
Ingredients for 1 serving: 60g quinoa, 100g broccoli, 100g pomegranate, salt, 10g radish sprouts
Preparation: Break the broccoli into florets and steam. Rinse the quinoa and cook in double the amount of salted water. Mix the quinoa with the broccoli and pomegranate seeds, and sprinkle with radish sprouts.

Energy: 337 kcal
Ingredients: 75g Mozzarella cheese, 50g cherry tomatoes, 30g millet, 10g onion, parsley, salt, pepper, 1 tsp olive oil
Preparation: Rinse the millet thoroughly, sauté the chopped onion in 1 tsp oil, add the millet, and cook in double the amount of salted water. When done, add chopped parsley and season if needed. Cook the mozzarella in a hot non-stick pan, and toss the tomatoes in as well. Serve with the hot cheese or fresh tomatoes.

Energy: 330 kcal
Ingredients for 1 serving: 80g tomato, 50g eggplant, 50g zucchini, 50g bell pepper, 20g onion, 1 tbsp olive oil, garlic, paprika, salt, pepper, 2 boiled eggs, and 30g whole grain bread
Preparation: Sauté the diced onion in olive oil. Add cleaned and diced vegetables and grated garlic, season with salt, pepper, and paprika. Add a little water and cover, cooking until soft. Serve with boiled eggs and a slice of whole grain bread.

Energy: 346 kcal
Ingredients for 1 serving: 100g chicken breast, 60g sweet potato, 40g bell pepper, 20g onion, salt, pepper, paprika, 150g plain yogurt, 100g eggplant, parsley, 1 tsp olive oil, lemon juice
Preparation: Slice the eggplant thinly and grill on both sides. Mix plain yogurt with salt, pepper, parsley, and a few drops of lemon juice, then combine with the eggplant and chill. Cut the chicken breast into cubes and brush with spiced oil. Dice the bell pepper and sweet potato, and cut the onion into wedges. Thread onto skewers and grill until done. Serve with the cold salad.


Energy: 161 kcal
Ingredients for 1 serving: 200ml plain yogurt, 20g apple, 5g oatmeal
Preparation: Blend thoroughly and serve chilled.

Energia: 142 kcal
Ingredients for 1 serving: 160ml sugar-free coconut drink, 15g chia seeds, 40g frozen forest fruits, sweetener (to taste)
Preparation: Warm the coconut drink and mix in the chia seeds, sweeten if necessary. Cook, stirring constantly, until it starts to thicken. Pour into a glass and let cool. Refrigerate overnight if desired. Serve with frozen or fresh fruit.

Energia: 152 kcal
Ingredients for 1 serving: 100g mango, 70ml coconut milk, 20g tapioca pearls, vanilla bean
Preparation: Cook the tapioca pearls in coconut milk with the vanilla bean until pudding consistency. Remove the bean, sweeten if desired, and pour into a glass. Puree the mango and place on top. Chill.

Energy: 135 kcal
Ingredients for 1 serving: 100g apple, 10g walnut, 10g goat cheese

Energy: 140 kcal
Ingredients for 1 serving: 60g banana, 60g pear, 60g kiwi, 40g fresh baby spinach, water
Preparation: Place the ingredients in a blender and mix with 250ml water. Adjust the consistency with more water if desired.

Energy: 141 kcal
Ingredients for 1 serving: 150g kefir, 50g iceberg lettuce, 50g lamb’s lettuce, 50g carrot
Preparation: Wash the salad thoroughly, peel and julienne the carrot, then drizzle with kefir.

Energy: 142 kcal
Ingredients for 1 serving: 150g orange, 100g beetroot, olive oil, lemon juice, rosemary, salt
Preparation: Clean the beetroot thoroughly, wrap in aluminum foil, and bake at 180°C until soft. Peel and dice the beetroot. Peel and dice the orange. Mix rosemary, olive oil, salt, and lemon juice, and drizzle over the salad.